CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Inclusive Excellence Training

    This one-hour training provides an overview of best practices for ensuring all reasonable efforts to attract a diverse candidate pool for faculty and staff positions.  Participants will examine the role that implicit bias often plays in screening applican ...

  2. Training Support Fund

    Overview   The Professional Development Training Support Fund Initiative was introduced to the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences in 2012.  This initiative is funded by the college.  All faculty and staff of the college who desire t ...

  3. Mini Grants

    Overview      The mini grant program was introduced to the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) in 2012 and is funded by the college.  All faculty, staff, and student/s are eligible to apply. Purpose and Criteria  The purpose ...

  4. Inclusive Excellence Training

    This one-hour training provides an overview of best practices for ensuring all reasonable efforts to attract a diverse candidate pool for faculty and staff positions.  Participants will examine the role that implicit bias often plays in screening applican ...

  5. 4-H Fundraiser at Lancaster Greenhouse

    Help support Fairfield County 4-H by shopping from their extensive line of annuals, perennials, herbs, vegtables, geraniums, hanging baskets, container plantings, seeds, trees, shrubs, mulches and soils.  15% of the proceeds will support the Fairfield Cou ...

  6. 4-H Fundraiser at Lancaster Greenhouse

    Help support Fairfield County 4-H by shopping from their extensive line of annuals, perennials, herbs, vegtables, geraniums, hanging baskets, container plantings, seeds, trees, shrubs, mulches and soils.  15% of the proceeds will support the Fairfield Cou ...

  7. CD Wire- April 11, 2016

    Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being. AD Update: March 30 CD Meeting Re-cap There’s been a lot of great feedback shared from the March 30 in-service. Special thanks to Becky Ne ...

  8. Inclusive Excellence Training

    This one-hour training provides an overview of best practices for ensuring all reasonable efforts to attract a diverse candidate pool for faculty and staff positions.  Participants will examine the role that implicit bias often plays in screening applican ...

  9. Inclusive Excellence Training

    This one-hour training provides an overview of best practices for ensuring all reasonable efforts to attract a diverse candidate pool for faculty and staff positions.  Participants will examine the role that implicit bias often plays in screening applican ...

  10. Keep Stored Grain Cool and Dry

    Keeping stored grain cool is important as outdoor temperatures start to warm this spring because each 10 degrees the grain temperature increases reduces the allowable storage time by about half. ...
