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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Alpha emitters

    GENERAL INFORMATION Most drinking water sources have very low levels of radioactive contaminants ("radionuclides"), most of which are naturally occurring, although contamination of drinking water sources from human-made nuclear materials can als ...

  2. Thallium

    GENERAL INFORMATION Thallium is a metal found in natural deposits such as ores containing other elements. The major sources of thallium in drinking water are leaching from ore-processing sites; and discharge from electronics, glass, and drug factories. HE ...

  3. Strontium

    GENERAL INFORMATION Strontium is a naturally occurring element found in rocks, soil, dust, coal, and oil. Naturally occurring strontium is not radioactive and is either referred to as stable strontium or strontium. Strontium in the environment exists in f ...

  4. Selenium

    GENERAL INFORMATION Selenium is a metal found in natural deposits such as ores containing other elements. The greatest use of selenium compounds is in electronic and photocopier components, but they are also widely used in glass, pigments, rubber, metal a ...

  5. Nickel

    GENERAL INFORMATION Nickel is a very abundant natural element and is often used in electroplating, stainless steel and alloy products. It generally gets into water from mining and refining operations. HEALTH EFFECTS Exposure of the general population from ...

  6. Cyanide

    GENERAL INFORMATION Cyanide is a carbon-nitrogen chemical unit which combines with many organic and inorganic compounds. The most commonly used form, hydrogen cyanide, is mainly used to make compounds and other synthetic fibers and resins. The major sourc ...

  7. Cadmium

    GENERAL INFORMATION Cadmium is a natural element in the earthÕs crust. It is usually found as a mineral combined with other elements such as oxygen (cadmium oxide), chlorine (cadmium chloride), or sulfur (cadmium sulfate, cadmium sulfide). All soils and r ...

  8. Copper

    GENERAL INFORMATION Copper is a metal found in natural deposits such as ores containing other elements. Copper is widely used in household plumbing materials. The major sources of copper in drinking water are corrosion of household plumbing systems; and e ...

  9. Chromium

    GENERAL INFORMATION Chromium is an odorless and tasteless metallic element. Chromium is found naturally in rocks, plants, soil and volcanic dust, humans and animals. The most common forms of chromium that occur in natural waters in the environment are tri ...

  10. Chlorine

    GENERAL INFORMATION The gaseous or liquid form of chlorine (CL2) is a water additive used by municipal water systems to control microbes. It is relatively inexpensive and has the lowest production and operating costs and longest history for large continuo ...
