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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Mellinger Farm Ag Diversification Research Tour

    WOOSTER, Ohio – Small and medium-sized farms often struggle to compete with larger farms, who can have a built-in advantage due to their size. Researchers at The Ohio State University are exploring how smaller farms can maximize their unique strengths and ...

  2. Muck Crops Field Day is July 27

    WILLARD, Ohio-- The latest research on muck crops will be shared with Ohio growers at a July 27 field day in Huron County. The event is sponsored by Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). The Muc ...

  3. Egg Price Drop Good for Consumers, Tough for Producers

    GREENVILLE, Ohio ­— In Darke County, the state’s highest producer of eggs, some businesses are anxiously trimming their flocks to contend with the steep dive in nationwide egg prices. Shoppers may be thrilled to see a dozen eggs as low as 49 cents, but eg ...

  4. Western Agronomy Field Day

    Western Agronomy Field Day to be held at the Western Ag Reserach Station in South Charleston, Ohio. Registration is free. Lunch is included and we will of course have our in-season updates as well as talk about some of the on-going research here. The loca ...

  5. Diversified Organic Farm Tour

    Granny B Farms is a diversified, certified organic farm growing annual vegetables, asparagus, and perennial small fruits. They also have an orchard, pastured sheep, goats, and bees. Their products are available at the Clintonville Farmers’ Market, local r ...

  6. Farm to Fork Orchard and Farm Tour

    Brian and Kelly Helser operate a produce farm and community supported agriculture (CSA) program in Fairfield County. From small beginnings, they started seeds in a converted back porch greenhouse for two acres of crops. Nearly 20 years later, they have ex ...

  7. Food Bank Urban Farm Tour

    The Urban Farm at Southeast Ohio Regional Kitchen is Hocking County’s only stream of fresh local produce. The farm provides seasonal produce to be exchanged for Senior Farmer’s Market Promotion Program coupons through the Ohio Area Agency on Aging. Starte ...

  8. Retail Meat Sales Farm Tour

    Berry Family Farm is a diversified farm producing natural beef raised with no antibiotics, hormones, or GMO feed. Instead, this grass-fed and non-GMO grainfed beef is sold directly to the consumer in various quantities. They also have pasture-raised pork, ...

  9. Agricultural Fertilizer Certification Trainings Offered before Sept. 30 Deadline

    COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio Farmers who still need to get fertilizer certification before the Sept. 30 deadline will have more than 20 opportunities to attend training sessions offered by experts from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Science ...

  10. Amish Produce Auction Tour

    Visit a small produce auction where crops grown by the local Amish community are delivered to the auction by horse and wagon. Get a behind-the-scenes view of how the market is organized prior to the auction. Stay for the auction and purchase traditional a ...
