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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Sewing Clinic

    There will be a sewing clinic on Saturday, April 13 from 9-11 a.m. at the Extension Office. Anyone is able to come regardless of if you are a beginner or advanced sewer. Come and learn more about sewing techniques and tricks and receive many resources and ...

  2. CYP Facebook Posts

    Memo: Use of the Celebrate Your Plate Social Media Issued: March 1, 2018 Issued by: The Celebrate Your Plate Social Media Subcommittee Attention: All Family and Consumer Sciences personnel The Celebrate Your Plate Social Media is live and reachable by all ...

  3. Aging Program Training

    Details to come! ...

  4. SCP Online Host Training


  5. Jr. Fair Book Cover Contest

    The Seneca County Junior Fair is looking for your creative ideas for the 2019 Jr. Fairbook cover.  Using the Jr. Fair theme,  Boots, Jeans and Ohio Dreams!,  create a cover that will be on the new fairbook.  Entires should be sent to Jr. Fair Coordinator, ...

  6. Program Areas


  7. Creating Lasting Family Connections Training

    Prevention Action Alliance is hosting two  Creating Lasting Family Connections (CLFC)  trainings   with funding from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Participants of this  five-day training  will walk away with the materials an ...

  8. keepin' it REAL Training

    Prevention Action Alliance is hosting  11  regional  keepin’ it REAL  trainings with funding from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Participants of this  two-day  training will walk away with the materials and knowledge necessar ...

  9. keepin' it REAL Training

    Prevention Action Alliance is hosting  11  regional  keepin’ it REAL  trainings with funding from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Participants of this  two-day  training will walk away with the materials and knowledge necessar ...

  10. keepin' it REAL Training

    Prevention Action Alliance is hosting  11  regional  keepin’ it REAL  trainings with funding from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Participants of this  two-day  training will walk away with the materials and knowledge necessar ...
