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JUNETEENTH: Remembering June 19, 1865
Today is the 155 th anniversary when black slaves received the news in Texas of their freedom from Federal soldiers; two and half years after the Civil War ended and the Emancipation Proclamation. Really not that long ago. There have been additional ame ...
ACEL students named to Dean's List for Spring 2020
Congratulations to more than 100 ACEL students who were named to the Dean's List for the 2020 Spring Semester. The spring semester was hit with many challenges, including our university moving to virtual learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are ...
Virtual 4-H Camp
We are launching some of our activities for our virtual 4-H Camp! We are excited to be able to bring some aspects of camp right to your home! If you like what you see and would like to get exclusive offers for camp, please e-mail to join ...
Writing Projects Due June 15, 2020
We are moving forward with judging! All writing projects are due to the Extension Office by June 15, 2020. We are not back in the office yet, but writing projects and materials can be placed in our black drop box by the building entrance or in our mailb ...
Coffee with the Master Gardeners: Hydrangeas
Coffee with the Master Gardeners: The Value of Trees
Sign Up for USDA-CFAP Direct Support
The sign up for the USDA-CFAP is set to start on May 26, 2020. If you are a producer, please follow the link below to find the most up to date information on this program. USDA-CFAP Information ...
Highlighting Our 4-H Seniors
Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to great places! You're off and away! We celebrate you and all of your accomplishments! Continue to shine bright and be 'True Leaders' whereever you go. Cynder Jameson Sarah Brodman Dakota ...
Alisha Barton
Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences Healthy Living 937-440-3948 Alisha’s specialization is nutrition and wellness. She works to increase education, awareness, and healthy food access to Miami County residents through her work with t ...