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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Grade A Celebration

    As we wrap up our 2020 4-H year, we have a lot to celebrate! Congratulations to all of our 4-H members who received at least one A on their projects this year! Also, congratulations to all of our tenured volunteers who have dedicated a lot to the 4-H yout ...

  2. Grade A Proclamation from the Seneca County Commissioners

    The Seneca County Commissioners gave the Seneca County 4H program a proclamation on Thursday, August 27, 2020 for all of our members who received an "A" on the project.  We are so thankful for their support this crazy covid year and every other ...

  3. Salary & Benefit Calculation Tools

    University Rates:  Faculty 24.6%, Unclassified 32.3%, Classified Civil Service 32.3%, Specials 16%, Enrolled Students 0.5%, Post-Doctoral Fellows 3.2%, Graduate Associates 10.6% This is a change from what the University previously reported this year. Rate ...

  4. Highlighting Our 4-H Volunteers

    In honor of National Volunteer Week, April 19-25, we are highlighting our amazing 4-H volunteers and advisors that help run our 40 plus community clubs. We thank each and every one of you for your dedication in 'Making the Best Better and building Tr ...

  5. Important Grade A Celebration Information

    Please see the important Grade A Celebration Information that is now available.  Unfortunately, we did not receive enough registrations to continue with the event.  We will still highlight our members who received an A on their project(s), our tenured adv ...

  6. Game Night Activity Kit Pickup

    Family Game Night kids are available from the OSU Extension office. This program helps educate fathers about child development and provides strategies for supporting children in engaging and interactive ways. Fathers learn strategies for improved communic ...

  7. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: Fruit Trees


  8. 2020 Livestock Buyers

    The 2020 Livestock Buyers list is now complete and available to exhibitors and families.  If you have any questions, please contact the Jr. Fair Office.  2020 Livestock Buyers List ...

  9. Schaffter awarded national agricultural education scholarship

    Paige Schaffter, a senior in agriscience education from Edon, Ohio, has been selected for the 2020 Upper Division Agricultural Education Scholarship from the National Association of Agricultural Educators. NAAE awards the $1,500 scholarships to twenty stu ...

  10. Grade A Celebration Information

    The 2020 Grade A Celebration will be parade style this year!  The Celebration will be held on Sunday, August 30, 2020 starting at 4:30 p.m. at the fairgrounds.  This will just be a parade style celebration, no meal will be served this year.  This year ...
