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Enrollment Information
The enrollment deadline for the 2016 4-H year is April 1. Each year, new members, new advisors, and new clubs can enroll or re-enroll during our "open enrollment period", which will run from January 1 to April 1. By the April 1 deadline all new ...
Local Leadership Group Meeting
Local Leadership Group Meeting- November 23 from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center (Gehres Room) Purpose of meeting: Many Ohio Extension professionals across the state run or are involved in local leadership programs. ...
4-H Advisory Committee
Morrow County Junior Fairboard
Fruit Tree Pruning Clinic
Learn how to prune fruit trees, (apples, peaches), as well as blueberries and brambles. The class will be held rain or shine. Dress warm for outdoor activities (rugged shoes or boots). Bring a lawn chair if you would like a seat. We will have home fruit p ...
Educational Resources
Peer-Reviewed Bulletin: Comprehensive Planning based on Sustainability: A Model for Ohio Communities. Moss, M. L., (2016). This Bulletin provides an overview of methods and a process to incorporate sustainability principles into comprehensive community pl ...
Christmas Holiday Observed
Senior Fair Board Meeting
CARTeens Program
Morrow County Junior Fairboard