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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. TAP Resources

    Training Advancement Program (TAP) Resources TAP MOA- Please read this MOA & print a personal copy for your reference before offering TAP onlines classes in your county. Steps for Offering TAP [DOC ] Level 2 Online Food Safety Training Flyer/Registrat ...

  2. Breakout Session Descriptions

    Breakout Descriptions: Breakout Session #1 Working with LGBTQ+ Youth and Families in Extension, Kayla Oberstadt In this workshop, Extension educators will participate in activities and group discussions to enhance their knowledge about delivering programs ...

  3. Andrew Wapner

    Andrew Wapner Clinical Assistant Professor, Director, Center for Public Health Practice Population health planning through integration of health care and public health. 614-292-8675 1841 Neil Avenue, 280G Cunz Hall, Columbus, OH 43210 Col ...

  4. Farm to School Month

    It is officially National Farm to School Month and the  Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch is October 10 at Noon. The Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch is a fun activity that encourages healthy eating and supports farm to school and other local food purchasing i ...

  5. Marion County Office

    222 W Center St Marion Ohio 43302 740-914-3030 740-914-3031 Visit the Marion County Office website County Office ...

  6. Color Contest

    This year we are holding a Color Contest for anyone age 5-12 years old. Entries can be picked up and dropped off and will be displayed at the following locations through the deadline: Seneca County OSU Extension Office- 3140 S. St. Rt. 100, Suite E. Tiffi ...

  7. Seneca County Scholarship Application for 4-H State and National Opportunities

    The applications for 4-H State and National Opportunities is now available. There are award trip options for 4-H youth ages 12 and older. Please take a look at the options as there are many terrific opportunities that allow you to learn, grow, and develop ...

  8. Seneca County 4-H Endowment

    Help us reach our goal of $1,000 in our endowment fund by the end of 2019! Interest from this endowment provides local funding for our 4-H program to thrive. Please help us grow in order to reach all the children possible in Seneca County through the 4-H ...

  9. 4-H Open House

    The Seneca County 4-H Open House will be held on Thursday, December 5th from 6-8 p.m. at Sentinel Career and Technology Center. The Open House is for any youth 5-18 years old and their families who are interested in learning more about the Seneca County 4 ...

  10. Speaker Information

    Keynote "Get Unstuck", April Olt, ImprovEdge April Olt is the Director of Instructional Design and a senior facilitator for ImprovEdge. April received her B.F.A. in Theatre Performance from Illinois Wesleyan University and her M.F.A. in Directin ...
