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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Project Pride Day- Office Closed

    The Miami County Extension Office will be closed on Wednesday, July 8th as all staff will be participating in Project Pride Day at the Miami County Fairgrounds. ...

  2. July 4th Holiday- Office Closed

    In observance of the July 4th Holiday, the Miami County Extension Office will be closed on Friday, July 3rd. ...

  3. Additional Projects

    Native Warm Season Perennial Grass Bioenergy Experiment 1999 Experimental design: Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with five levels of nitrogen, three management strategies (number of treatment combination fifteen), number of replication four, and ...

  4. Organic Agriculture

    Organic Agriculture Ceres Trust- Maximizing ecosystem services of the soil food web in organic farming systems The Ceres project is a two year project for the years 2013 and 2014.  In this project we are looking at several different criteria including ear ...

  5. BioEnergy Materials

    DOE/NorthEast Sun Grant-Growing perennial grasses for biofuels on marginal land amended with municipal waste biosolids and flue gas desulfurization gypsum This grant was started in 2010 and is currently in its final stages of completion.  For this grant w ...

  6. Tree Tour & Talks

    Have you ever seen a Kinki winki? How about a Zydico Twist?  Join us for an opportunity to see an amazing collection of rare and unusual trees on this tour of a private property, "Barboretum." Afterward, enjoy lunch and the presentations from Fr ...

  7. Precision Ag Day- Combine and Drone Technology

    Our first regional Precision Agriculture Day – Combine and Drone Technology. During this day, participants will have an opportunity to hear presentations from experts in the field of combine and drone technology and how to apply it to their farms. Flyer w ...

  8. 2015 Agronomy Day- South Charleston

    Program topics include:  •Reducing Questionable Inputs for Increased Profits •Plant Response with Precision Planters – Seedling Depth and Hydraulic Down Pressure •Micronutrient Foliar Applications on Soybeans •P and K Fertilization Trials in Ohio Over Nin ...

  9. Volume 13 Issue 6


  10. Innovative Approaches to Managing Drainage Ditches Can Save Growers Time, Money and Better Benefit Waterways, Ohio State Experts Say

    ADA, Ohio – Innovative approaches to ditch management could save Ohio crop growers time and money while at the same time reducing the flow of phosphorus and nitrogen through ditches that eventually end up in stream water, rivers and ultimately in Lake Eri ...
