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4-H Goat Committee Meeting
Ohio Beef Cattle School, session #3
This final session of the 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School will focus on assembling functional handling facilities, and harvesting and storing high quality forage. ...
4-H Committee
Advanced Archery- Group 1
Advanced Archery (2nd year and above) Group 1 meets from 6:00- 7:00 pm at the Conservation Farm Group 2 meets from 7:00- 8:00 pm at the Conservation Farm Group 3 meets from 8:00- 9:00 pm at the Conservation Farm ...
Camp Counselor Training
Camp Counselor Training
4-H Officer Training
Sessions offered include: President/Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, News Reporter, Health Officer/Safety Officer, Recreation, and Historian. Parents and Advisors are invited to attend the break-outs with their 4-H members. An Officer Induction Cerem ...
4-H Club Advisor Update Meeting
This training will contain county and state updates at 7:00 pm including the new state required Child Abuse and Neglect Training. This will be followed by a choice of two break-outs: Livestock Education for 4-H Projects; or Occasional Quantity Cooks Train ...
FCS Workshop "Jars"
The cost is $5.00 per person, payable at the door which includes all supplies. To register, please call the office at 419-281-8242 or e-mail with the name of each participant and a contact phone number by 4 p.m., Thursday, January 22. ...
Volunteer Training