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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Compliance Resources


  2. Ohio Supreme Court Resolves Grain Bin Taxation Issue

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  3. Ohio Fresh Foods Corridor to Offer Specialty Crop Production Workshop

    The Ohio Fresh Foods Corridor will be offering a workshop on February 25, 2014 that will focus on considerations and opportunities in specialty crop production. The workshop will feature two legal sessions: "Setting up Your Food Business: Risk Reduct ...

  4. New Tax and Law Bulletins Available

    We've posted several new bulletins in our library. Go to the tax law library for a bulletin on "Why Did My CAUV Values Increase So Much?" Our food law library has several new additions on cottage food regulations, labeling and sampling home ...

  5. Ohio's New Fertilizer and Manure Application Restrictions are in Effect

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  6. Compliance


  7. Farmland Leasing Workshops to be Held Around State

    Ohio State University Extension is offering Farmland Leasing Workshops throughout Ohio this January through March 2014.   The program for landowners and farmers will focus on factors affecting leasing options and rental rates, analyzing rent survey data, ...

  8. LBGTQ History Month Kick-Off Gala


  9. Civil Rights Review Background


  10. Ohio State University to Offer Series of Tax Schools Statewide, November and December

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – Experienced tax preparers wanting to learn about federal tax law changes and updates for this year as well as learn more about issues they may encounter when filing individual and small business 2013 tax returns can take advantage of a se ...
