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4-H Rocks! 4-H Week
Please spread the word about our great 4-H program! Today is Advisors Rock! Day. Be creative by telling your advisors that he or she Rocks as a Club Advisor/Leader. ...
4-H Rocks! 4-H Week
Please spread the word about our great 4-H program! Today, send a flyer to 5 new people and invite them to our 4-H Open House on February 15th. Flyer can be found on our website! ...
4-H Rocks! 4-H Week
Please spread the word about our great 4-H program! Today is 4-H Cookies Day! Find your favorite cookie recipe, bake a batch and share the with your local fire department, teacher, principal, etc. Put a note on the cookies about why you joined 4-H! ...
4-H Rocks! 4-H Week
Please spread the word about our great 4-H program! Today, is Cloverbuds Coloring Contest. Find the coloring sheets on our website. Have your parent submit a picture! ...
4-H Rocks! 4-H Week
Please spread the word about our great 4-H program! Today, is 4-H Pride Day! Wear a 4-H shirt, sweatshirt, clover hat, etc. and hold a sign inviting peers to join 4-H! ...
4-H Rocks! 4-H Week
Please spread the word about our great 4-H program! Today, decorate your front yard to promote 4-H. Submit a picture of your yard decoration to our office! ...
4-H Township Night Out
Butler County 4-H will be coming out to your township! Please come visit 4-H members and advisors and view the various projects and activities that 4-H has to offer! There are over 150 projects available! Hope to see you there! 4-H Township Night Out Flye ...
4-H Township Night Out
Butler County 4-H will be coming out to your township! Please come visit 4-H members and advisors and view the various projects and activities that 4-H has to offer! There are over 150 projects available! Hope to see you there! Please note this will take ...
Techniques to Ace the Interview
At some point, most everyone will need to interview for an internship, job, fellowship, or other opportunity. Interviews can be stressful, especially if you do not have much experience doing so. In this session, we will discuss valuable interviewing techn ...
Impostor Phenomenon and the Life of the Graduate Student
Transitioning to and thriving as a graduate student can be challenging. It does not help when self-doubt begins to erode your confidence and momentum. In this session we’ll introduce you to Imposter Phenomenon (IP) and work at unpacking its components. We ...