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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. The Coming of Age of Hispanic Millennials

    The Columbus Chapter of the National Society of Hispanic MBAs is cohosting the visit of Mark Hugo Lopez, director of Hispanic research at the Pew Research Center with The Ohio State University. Mr. Lopez will talk about “The Coming of Age of Hispanic Mill ...

  2. Ag Attorney Sheds Light on Manure Handling, Application Regulations

    COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Although the Lake Erie algae problems that contaminated Toledo’s water supply in early August have subsided, the crisis raised questions about animal manure application on farmland in Ohio and how it may have contributed to the problem. I ...

  3. Wooster Campus Fall Unity Festival

    This event introduces Ohio State ATI students to various organizations and support services for their success and engagement in Wooster campus.  ...

  4. Cultural Connections Lunch and Learn (Chile)

    Experts from Chile will interact with Wooster campus staff, students, and faculty about Chilean culture, arts, heritage, and history. Earlier engagements were for countries including Mexico, Nigeria, India, and Lebanon (Facebook page) ...

  5. Cultural Connections Lunch and Learn (Chile)


  6. Ohio Supreme Court agrees to hear appeal of $27,851 deer hunting fine

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  7. Darke County 4-H Committee


  8. Drones on the Farm: What are the Laws?

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – While the appeal of using unmanned aerial systems by farmers and growers to aid in farm operations is growing in popularity, before you launch a drone over your crops to gauge field conditions, be aware that doing so could result in a hef ...

  9. Successful Co-Parenting

    Successful Parenting is a program mandated by the Court of Common Pleas for people getting a divorce, dissolution, legal separation, or change of custody, with minor children. Pre-registration and pre-payment by cash, check or money order are required. ...


    CARTEENS is offered for first time teen offenders with a moving vehicle citation.  One parent or guardian is also required to attend.  There is a $30.00 fee paid by cash or check.  ...
