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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Confessions of a Foliage-A-Holic Talk

    The Master Gardeners of Richland County, Kingwood Center Gardens, and Arnold's Landscaping and Garden Center are working together to bring Seattle-based designer and author Christina Salwitz to Kingwood Center Gardens in Mansfield, Ohio for a talk an ...

  2. Sheep Tag In

    All Market Lamb projects must be tagged on Saturday, May 28, 2016 between 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM. Exhibitors may tag two, but may only exhibit and sell one lamb. Siblings may tag their lambs in as a family so long as there is no more than two lambs tagged pe ...

  3. Private Pesticide Applicators

    Private Applicator A private applicator applies restricted-use pesticides on his/her own land, or rented land, and produces an agricultural commodity.   Recertification Schools for Private Pesticide Applicators: 2017 Schedule for mor ...

  4. State Fair Pictures and packet Pick-up


  5. Volume 17, Issue 5


  6. Carcass Hog Judging

    Carcass Hog Judging Anyone who is participating in Carcass Hog MUST RSVP to Lauren Czerwinski (330) 831-2850 or Jay Swords (330) 424-8338 by July 19th. ...

  7. April 2016 4-H Newsletter

    Get the latest 4-H information and events schedule in the April 2016 4-H Newsletter ...

  8. Holmes County Fair Books Available

    The 2016 Official Holmes County Fair Book is here! Visit our office at 75 E. Clinton St., Suite 109, Millersburg to get your copy! ...

  9. Western Ohio Precision Ag Day

    Western Ohio Precision Ag Day will be held on July 12, 2016 in Covington, Ohio hosted by Miami and Darke County Extension. The day will begin at the Covington Eagles, 715 East Broadway Street, Covington OH 45318 and will then be continued on a local farm. ...

  10. Kids in the Kitchen!

    June 7-9, 2016 9 A.M.- 12 P.M. Does your child like to help out in the kitchen? Do they want to learn more? Cooking is a life skill and everyone should learn the basics. This fun summer program is designed to teach kitchen safety, cooking skills, recipe r ...
