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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

    Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop Flyer ...

  2. Public Speaking and 4-H

    It is no secret that most people have a great fear of public speaking.  Most people would say verbal communication skills are an important part of our daily lives.  I use public speaking skills each day at work when I am on the phone with a donor, talking ...

  3. Extension Reconsidered Luncheon

    Extension Reconsidered-- We Need Your Opinions! We need people between the ages of 14-30 to share opinions about changes in your community.  Learn more about how Ohio State University Extension can help at ...

  4. Camp Counselor Meeting is Cancelled Due to Weather


  5. Hellebore – Soon the first flowers of the hellebore will Welcome Spring

    Hellebores also known as Christmas or Lenten Roses are wonderful additions to a shade garden.  In this area, their green leaves show through the snow all winter and in very early spring they bloom with flowers in many colors from whites to deep purple and ...

  6. Ohio Swine Health Symposium

    Ohio Swine Health Symposium Brochure ...

  7. OSU Junior Swine Day

    OSU Junior Swine Day Brochure ...

  8. Opening Doors to Success- 2015 Southwest Ohio Small Farm Conference & Trade Show

    Opening Doors to Success Brochure ...

  9. Farmland Leasing Workshop

    Farmland Leasing Workshop Flyer ...

  10. Living the Small Farm Dream- 2015 Northeast Ohio Small Farm Conference & Trade Show

    Living the Small Farm Dream- 2015 Northeast Ohio Small Farm Conference and Trade Show ...
