CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Erie Basin Volunteer Retreat

    The Erie Basin Volunteer retreat will give volunteers another opportunity to network with others from the 10 county EERA. A contintental breakfast and full lunch will be provided. Sessions taught by Extension professionals will feature many topics includi ...

  2. CARTEENS Conference

    CarTeens members are invited to attend the state conference in Columbus on Febuary 7th. Meet teens from other counties, bring home free stuff and ideas to use at your own CarTeens sessions. Call the Extension office to sign up. ...

  3. Master Gardener Newsletters

    March 2014 May 2014 July 2014   ...

  4. NACDEP Conference

    The 2015 NACDEP Conference (National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals) will be held May 17-20 in Little Rock, Arkansas. The most current conference information is available here. Proposals due January 15. ...

  5. SNAP-Ed Newsletters and Information

    Proposed Revised Nutrition Facts Label Tips to Make Healthy Choices January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 204 July 2014   ...

  6. 4-H Newsletters

    September/October 2014 November/December 2014 ...

  7. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  8. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  9. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  10. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...
