CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Pickaway Co Fair Pre Judging

    BY Appointment- Please Call 740-474-7534 to schedule at time ...

  2. Pickaway Co 4-H Horse Clinic

    Do you want to be better prepared for fair? Are you ready to participate in the new Ranch Pleasure, Small Equine Jumper in Hand or the Small Equine Hunter classes? Would you like the chance for your horse to get time in the arena prior to fair? Sessions I ...

  3. PAS Horse Show

    Fairfiled County PAS- Registration DUE JUNE 1 ...

  4. PAS Horse Show

    Fairfield County PAS Registration DUE JUNE 1 ...

  5. Recognizing Child Abuse & Neglect Training Make-up Date

    If any advisors were unable to join us on February 23rd for the training on Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect, we will have a make-up training on March 12 from 7-8:00 pm at the Extension Office. Please remember that OSU is requiring that every advisor a ...

  6. Agricultural Education Society's Influential Buckeyes

    Agricultural Education Society will be hosting the first "Influential Buckeyes" event. All CFAES students are invited to attend and hear from CFAES alumni about their time after college. ...

  7. AEE Graduate Program Handbook

    Complete details about our graduate programs can be found in the AEE Graduate Program Handbook. ...

  8. Quality Assurance Test Out

    There are two separate tests. One for 12-14 year olds and one for 15-18 year olds (Age as of January 1st).  If you test out when you are 12, 13, or 14, you will have to test again when you turn 15. The test is 50 multiple choice questions and you must sco ...

  9. Quality Assurance Test Out

    There are two separate tests. One for 12-14 year olds and one for 15-18 year olds (Age as of January 1st).  If you test out when you are 12, 13, or 14, you will have to test again when you turn 15. The test is 50 multiple choice questions and you must sco ...

  10. Pickaway County 4-H Opportunities Day

    It’s a project clinic plus more!  Participants will experience hands-on activities around the following 4-H projects and opportunities: Camp Livestock Skillathon & Record Books Food/Nutrition Projects Dog Projects Communication Contest Clothing Projec ...
