CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. O.N.E. Extension – Onboard. Network. Excel.

    The O.N.E. Extension program will resume in March. This will be an all-virtual format, 16 weeks for three hours per week. Sessions will be available for new  and  veteran employees. ...

  2. Pulse Survey Input Requested

    Our goal is to gain a simple pulse of how people in OSU Extension are doing during these times. We will use this one-question survey over the next six to eight months to see how we all are doing over time. ...

  3. 2020 Annual Conference Recordings are Available

    Thank you again for your participation in the 2020 Extension Annual Conference: Embrace Change Together. This is a reminder that the breakout session recordings are available to view on the LOD unit's YouTube Channel. ...

  4. Introduction to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – March 3 Webinar

    What is diversity and why is it important? What is the difference between equality and equity? What does it mean to be inclusive? How do all of these things fit together to achieve justice? ...

  5. Wonder Woman Wednesday

    In celebration of Women’s History Month, every Wednesday in March, the OSU Leadership Center invites you to learn more about women in the workplace and how to create an inclusive and equitable environment. This complimentary webinar will be held from 11:3 ...

  6. Our Inclusive Path Forward: Addressing Inequities in STEM Education

    To better understand changes that need to be made to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) learning environments, Ohio State is launching a new seminar series … Our Inclusive Path Forward: Addressing Inequities in STEM Education. ...

  7. ACEL to Extension – Next Session on March 11

    Join the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL) for the next topic in its series “ACEL to Extension” – offered directly for Extension personnel by ACEL faculty. ...

  8. Call for Proposals – 2021 National ESP Conference

    The national Epsilon Sigma Phi Conference will be held in Savannah, Georgia on October 25-28. Proposals are due by March 8 for concurrent session seminars, ignite presentations, research presentations, and posters. ...

  9. Call for Proposals – Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference

    The Engagement Scholarship Consortium seeks proposals for its conference on September 13-15 via virtual format. The 2021 annual meeting will explore the theme of “Creating Connections and Expanding Possibilities.” ...

  10. Ohio JCEP Professional Development Award Winners Announced

    Congratulations to several individuals who were recently selected for an Ohio Joint Council of Extension Professionals’ professional development award. ...
