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4-H Legacy Dinner
Please join us for the 2024 Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Legacy Dinner on June 13th, at Cheers Chalet (1211 Coonpath Rd, Lancaster, OH 43130). 5:00 p.m. Registration, Social Hour, Silent Auction 6:00 p.m. Dinner 6:45 p.m. Silent Auction closes 7:00 p.m. ...
Tim Haab
Tim Haab Professor and Director 614-292-6237 210F Kottman Hall 2021 Coffey Rd., Columbus, OH 43210 BA, Economics, Maryland-Baltimore County (1991) PhD, Ag & Resource Economics, Maryland-College Park (1995) AEDE page: https://aede.osu. ...
New online database a "FRST" in fertilizer knowledge sharing
When growing crops, fertilizer is a critical component. Too often, however, knowing what type of fertilizer to use, how much to apply, where, and when for peak crop production can be a major challenge for growers. Soil scientists and agronomists at The Oh ...
Safe Sitter June 4, 2024-CANCELLED
Safe Sitter Essentials Designed to prepare students to be safe when they’re home alone, watching younger siblings, or babysitting. The Instructor-led class is filled with fun games and role-playing exercises. Students even get to use mannequins to practic ...
Peer Leaders
SENR Peer Leaders help to integrate new students into the SENR community and smooth the transition to being an Ohio State student. Peer Leaders assist with ENR 1100, SENR's new student Survey course, and lead a variety of experiences to provide reso ...
Heather Curtis
Heather Curtis ENR Graduate Student ENR Graduate Student- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...
Freshwater Science: A HABs Primer
Ahead of NOAA’s annual Lake Erie HABs Forecast on June 27, catch up on the background and future of Lake Erie’s HABs with Ohio Sea Grant’s Dr. Chris Winslow. This primer will include up-to-date information on topics such as nutrient sources in the Maumee ...
Fairfield County Summer Judging Workshop
Are you a new 4-H’er who wants to see what Summer Judging is all about? Are you a returning 4-H’er who still has questions? Join the Fairfield County Fashion & Nutrition Board and Fairfield County Junior Leadership Club to learn more. General tips ...
Fairfield County Ohio Local Foods Tours
Join OSU Extension- Fairfield County as we learn about and visit local food producers in Fairfield County! Thursday, June 27 | 10:30am-2:30pm | Grill Smart: Hands-on learning the science of grilling $30 per person (limited to 16 participants)- Agriculture ...
Office Closed- Memorial Day