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Mental Health Awareness Training
The Ohio State University Employee Assistance Program is offering a Mental Health Awareness training program to help OSU employees improve their understanding of mental health. Participants of this training program will learn how to: Identify signs and sy ...
May Events and Reminders
Here are some reminders and what is going on the month of May. I hope you are all doing well and staying busy working on 4-H projects! 4-H Round-Up (formerly 4-H Kick-Off)- Postponed for May 8 and re-scheduled to August 30 right before the Grade A Celebra ...
May Events and Reminders
Here are some reminders and what is going on the month of May. 4-H Round-Up (formerly 4-H Kick-Off)- Postponed for May 8 and re-scheduled to August 30 right before the Grade A Celebration. More information to come. Sheep and goat exhibitors: The alternati ...
May Events and Reminders
Here are a few reminders for the month of May. 4-H Round-Up (formerly 4-H Kick-Off)- Postponed for May 8 and re-scheduled to August 30 right before the Grade A Celebration. More information to come. Sheep and goat exhibitors: The alternative requirement w ...
Comprehensive Support for the Most Vulnerable Student Populations during COVID-19
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion presents a virtual panel discussion featuring the staff of the Young Scholars and Tutoring Program. The student success staff will share what they have learned during this national pandemic and how the coronavirus has ...
COVID-19 and the APIDA Community: Impacts, Historical Oppression, and Allyship
This event is open to students and staff of the Ohio State University and the general public. The global response to COVID-19 has meant a rush on cleaning supplies, food, and above all else, toilet paper. Increasing just as quickly is xenophobia, which is ...
Understanding Generational Diversity in Today’s Workplace: Creating Synergies Through Effective Communication
Did you know that there are now five generations in the workplace? Are you a Traditionalist (>73), Baby Boomer (54-72), Gen X (38-53), Millennial (24-37), or a Gen Z (8-23)? There are both similarities and differences amongst these generations that con ...
Jr. Fair Code of Conduct
All 4-H and FFA livestock exhibitors INCLUDING dogs and horses, please see the link below and read through the Jr. Fair Code of Conduct. This form will be due the day of Project Book Judging. Jr. Fair Code of Conduct ...
Senior Highlights
As this very different school year is wrapping up, we want to take sometime to feature our 2020 graduating seniors. If you are graduating senior, please take a moment to fill out the form below in the link and return to the Extension Office by May 15th. ...
Farming & Gardening Resources