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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Nursing Home Costs and Medicaid: The One-Two Punch to the Family Farm

    The rising costs of nursing home care may impact farm families harder than others due to farm assets that may limit or prevent a family member from qualifying for Medicaid, according to an agricultural law expert with the College of Food, Agricultural, an ...

  2. Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) training

    On April 30, Ohio State University Extension will host a program to educate produce growers to reduce microbial contamination on fruit and vegetables.    The program, which covers Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), will be held 9 am – 12 pm at the YWCA Pi ...

  3. Making Hay Seed to Harvest

    Do you have questions about making hay? What seed to plant, how much you need, storage ideas or making sure you are getting quality hay? If so, come out at 7 pm this Thursday, April 2, to the Making Hay From Seeding to Harvesting at the Shelby County Ag C ...

  4. A Profile of Miami County Agriculture

    Amanda Bennett Extension Educator Agriculture and Natural Resources 937-440-3945   Miami County is situated in the west central part of Ohio. It covers about 407 square miles or 260,352 acres. There are 12 townships within the county. ...

  5. Food Hub Development

    Food Hub Development Based on the proven success of Spain’s Mondragon Worker-Owner Cooperative Corporation, the mission of Our Harvest Cooperative Food Hub is to develop systems to train and support growers and to develop cooperative owned and operated in ...

  6. Workforce Development: Apprenticeship

    Workforce Development: Apprenticeship Expanding access to nutritious homegrown food is important to the health of consumers, helps in job creation and also improving our rural economy.  While $29 billion was estimated to be spent on food by Ohio consumers ...

  7. Knowledge and Community Development

    Knowledge and Community Development A plan was developed to cultivate community through food-related education and economic development, including business start-ups, employment and investment. Project Goals Help a central Ohio neighborhood transition fro ...

  8. Collaborative Approaches for Food Entrepreneur Development

    Collaborative Approaches for Food Entrepreneur Development Food touches everything and is the foundation of every economy (Counihan & Van Esterik, 2013). While $29 billion was spent on food by Ohio consumers in 2011, about $26 billion (89%) of the foo ...

  9. Cover Crops Can Serve Corn Nitrogen Needs in Continous No-Till

    PIKETON, Ohio – Cover crops incorporated into a continuous no-till field crop rotation can produce enough nitrogen to complement, or in some cases, replace corn nitrogen fertilizer applications, according to long-term Ohio State University Extension resea ...

  10. Winter Issue 2015

