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New Manure Sidedress Method Lowers Fertilizer Costs, Increases Yields
GREENVILLE, Ohio — With corn needing nitrogen, and pigs and cattle producing a lot of it, anything that offers a better way to use their waste to fortify crops should intrigue farmers. Two agriculture experts at The Ohio State University have redesigned a ...
Summer Wildflower Walk
Summer wildflowers provide color and beauty for people while providing food and habitat for wildlife. Master Gardener Volunteers will be guiding a walk around Lake Park to view some of our native Ohio wildflowers Thursday, July 27 at 6:30 pm. In conjuncti ...
Livestock Manure and Weed Field Day
BELOIT, Ohio — Weeds have come back this summer in full force and farmers are again learning the best ways to wage war with these green invaders. Ohio State University Extension’s Mahoning County office is hosting a field day on July 12 from 10 a.m. to 1: ...
Livestock Manure and Weed Field Day is July 12
BELOIT, Ohio — Weeds have come back this summer in full force and farmers are again learning the best ways to wage war with these green invaders. Ohio State University Extension’s Mahoning County office is hosting a field day on July 12 from 10 a.m. to 1: ...
Don't Know Which Tree is Which? There's Help
MANSFIELD, Ohio-- So you want to know your trees. On July 7, a class offered at The Ohio State University’s Mansfield campus will help you. Called Name That Tree, the class will show you how to identify Ohio trees using common traits like their leaves. A ...
Name That Tree
On July 7, a class offered at The Ohio State University’s Mansfield campus will help you. Called Name That Tree, the class will show you how to identify Ohio trees using common traits like their leaves. About half the class time will be spent outdoors pr ...
Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 3
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Observing and identifying bees used to be reserved for the select few scientists with access to powerful microscopes and detailed identification guides. With close-up photography, powerful binoculars and user-friendly field guides, now an ...
Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 4
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Observing and identifying bees used to be reserved for the select few scientists with access to powerful microscopes and detailed identification guides. With close-up photography, powerful binoculars and user-friendly field guides, now an ...
Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 2
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Observing and identifying bees used to be reserved for the select few scientists with access to powerful microscopes and detailed identification guides. With close-up photography, powerful binoculars and user-friendly field guides, now an ...
Ginseng Hunting & Cultivation
Ohio State University Extension and Coshocton County Farm Bureau will be hosting an informational program on Ginseng Hunting and Cultivation on August 14. Speakers for the program include Chip Carroll, Sanctuary Steward at United Plant Savers Botanical Sa ...