CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Return-to-Office Planning

    This is a long message, but it contains critical information for updated in-person programming and return to offices guidance and expectations. Please read all of it carefully for clarity and consistent understanding of our next steps. ...

  2. In-person Programming Update

    We have been granted the ability to cease the in-person exemption process and, effective immediately, NO NEW in-person programming exemptions will need to be submitted for review – if there will be FEWER than 300 attendees. ...

  3. 2021 Ohio 4-H Camping Update

    We are delighted to share that we have received approval for our plans to move forward with conducting both day and overnight 4-H camps this summer. ...

  4. Administrative Professionals Day – Thoughts from the Director

    Thank you to all of our administrative professionals for all of your hard work, tireless efforts, and enthusiastic support. You are key to our success! We appreciate you today and every day! ...

  5. Racial Justice and Healing

    In OSU Extension, we believe that there is no place for racism, demonstrated by our mission to “… actively engage  in creating conditions in which [all Ohioans] thrive.” ...

  6. How to Cancel a Miscellaneous Payment

    Open the Miscellaneous Payment from INBOX, click on the... 3 dots to the right of the magnifying glass- this should take you to Revise Miscellaneous Payment, again click on the... 3 dots to the right of the  magnifying glass- then you should now see Actio ...

  7. Background Check Refunds- Create Miscellaneous Payment

    4-H Background Check Refunds done with a “Create Misc Payment” JOB AID: BCI Background Check Reimbursements Payment type will be “refund” In the memo put “Ext Background Check Refund” Input payee information, one-time payment use RF-refund for the Handlin ...

  8. Extension Refocus Challenge: Ends Tomorrow

    The Extension Refocus Challenge, Oct. 12-31, ends tomorrow. ...

  9. Interim Director’s Video Update

    The next Interim Director’s Video Update will be held on Friday, Nov. 6 at 10 am. Registration is required. ...

  10. 2021 Ohio JCEP/ESP and Professional Organizations Membership Registration/Renewal

    Business and Finance requires unit leader approval for all memberships, registrations and professional development engagements while the university is still operating under discretionary spending restrictions. ...
