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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Shinjini Pandey

    Shinjini Pandey PhD Student 317 Ag Admin Building 2120 Fyffe Rd. MS, Economics, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), 2016 Bachelor of Commerce (Honors), University of Delhi Applied M ...

  2. Khyati Malik

    Khyati Malik PhD Student 227 Ag Admin Building 2120 Fyffe Rd. Environmental Economics, Resource Economics, Energy Economics, Regional Economics- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Repor ...

  3. Junyoung Jeong

    Junyoung Jeong Ph.D. candidate 317 Ag Admin Building 2120 Fyffe Rd. MA, Economics, Technology Management, Economics, and Policy, Seoul National University, 2019 BE, Electrical Engineering, Kore ...

  4. Foundations & Frontiers of Agricultural Economics

    AEDECON 8206 This course focuses on three fundamental agricultural inputs: land, labor, and risk. Each has 1) papers that provide the theoretical foundations of these markets and 2) papers that empirically evaluate how they function. In addition, we will ...

  5. Cost Benefit Analysis

    AEDECON 6330 The course covers calculus-based benefit-cost analysis theory and methods and their application to projects pertaining to public infrastructure, agriculture, the environment, natural resources, and human health. It aims to: Foster familiarity ...

  6. Project Management for Sustainability and Applied Economics

    AEDECON 4340 An introduction to project management concepts and techniques focusing on how to initiate, plan, manage, control, and close projects related to sustainability and applied economics. This course will provide students with theoretical concepts, ...

  7. Sustainable Economy: Concepts and Methods

    AEDECON 4330   The course introduces students to core concepts of sustainability in economics and the quantitative methods necessary to understand and evaluate sustainable development. This is a core upper-level course in sustainability concepts and metho ...

  8. Qi Jiang

    Qi Jiang Ph.D. candidate 614-209-1725 227 Ag Admin Building 2120 Fyffe Road Columbus, Ohio 43210 B.A. in International Trade and Economics, Nanjing Agricultural University, 2015 M.A. in Industrial Economic ...

  9. Information for Prospective PhD Students to the OSU-AEDE Farm Income Enhancement Program 2024

    Information for prospective PhD students applying to the PhD program at the Ohio State University (OSU), Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE), Farm Income Enhancement Program managed by Dr. Ani Katchova, 2024 Edition ...

  10. Youth Fitness Quest

    Promotional Flyer Click here to register! Click here for the health form IMPORTANT: Make sure that you complete the registration at the link above and the health form that can be either sent to the OSU Extension- Morrow County office or emailed to ufferma ...
