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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Yunan Zhu

    Yunan Zhu PhD Student 227 Agircultural Administration Building Regional Economics Urban Economics Public Economics- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data Ye ...

  2. Hongxi Zhao

    Hongxi Zhao PhD Student Land Economics Regional Economics Environmental Economics- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data Yes ...

  3. Ohio 4-H Conference

    The Ohio 4-H Conference is the largest gathering of 4-H volunteers in the United States! Nearly 1,100 teen and adult volunteers participate each year. The Ohio 4-H Conference is designed to equip participants with resources, information, and skills to mee ...

  4. Pesticide Applicator Re-Certification & Fertilizer Re-Certification


  5. Citations Matter: Exploring and Expanding Your Citation Practices

    Citation is not a neutral practice. In the realm of academia, our citation choices wield significant influence—shaping discourse, amplifying voices, and impacting scholarly recognition. Yet, how often do we pause to reflect on the implications of these ch ...

  6. Marrison Receives Creative Works Recognition

    Emily Marrison was recently recognized by the Ohio Joint Council of Extension Professionals for excellence in several creative works.  Marrison is the Family and Consumer Sciences Educator for Ohio State University Extension in Coshocton County. She recei ...

  7. Beyond the Scale: Embracing Body Diversity and Challenging Weight Stigma

    Traditional views of health often equate wellness with body size and weight, but these metrics only tell part of the story. In this workshop, we will challenge the long-standing focus on weight as a measure of health by exploring the concept of Health at ...

  8. A Modern Approach to Crop and Pest Management in Pumpkin (PDF)

    This guide was written primarily with pumpkin production in the Midwest in mind; however, many of the practices can be extended to states in the Northeast or South. The pest complex and management are nearly the same for othercucurbits, such as squash, me ...

  9. A Modern Approach to Crop and Pest Management in Pumpkin

    This guide was written primarily with pumpkin production in the Midwest in mind; however, many of the practices can be extended to states in the Northeast or South. The pest complex and management are nearly the same for othercucurbits, such as squash, me ...

  10. Drought in Winter

    Read More farm field in winter Our professionals are still updating and sharing drought-related information and resources for producers across the state. ...
