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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. A Change Of Perspective Can Help With Overall Attitude

    We will all, at some time or another have time to reframe our focus to the big picture. ...

  2. Scout Fruit Trees For Pesky Pests Creeping Out As Temperatures Rise

    With a quickly moving spring... it is an important time to get out and inspect your trees for disease and pest issues ...

  3. Contact Information

    The Hamilton County EFNEP team is dedicated to providing quality nutrition education to their youth and adult participants. EFNEP Program Assistants are trained with providing interactive lessons and activities which result in improved knowledge and behav ...

  4. Save Time and Money With These Simple Meal Prep Tips

    Preparing meals in advance can help save money; ultimately save time and remove a stressor from a busy day ...

  5. Meet Your Best Friend In Weed Control In Pastures, Hayfields

    Two common weed questions we get this time of year concern poison hemlock and “that yellow weed in my fields” which is cressleaf groundsel ...

  6. Workshop: Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life

    This 2-hour workshop will provide an introduction to unconscious associations that can lead to an affinity toward or prejudice against some people (implicit bias). We will explore how our socialization process leads to the formation of conscious and uncon ...

  7. HPAI in Dairy Cattle: Learn More

    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Cattle: IS preventable and well-managed with strong biosecurity measures in place. IS contagious between cattle and poultry, so extra care must be taken on farms with both species. IS NOT actually highly pathogenic or ...

  8. HPAI in Dairy Cattle: Connect with CFAES and Other Experts

    College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Maurice Eastridge:  professor and senior associate chair, Department of Animal Sciences Jason Hartschuh:  field specialist, dairy management and precision livestock, OSU Extension Rafael Jimenez-Fl ...

  9. For Those Who Need To Scout Weevil, Here's How To Do It

    It is that time of year again that we encourage growers to begin scouting their alfalfa fields for alfalfa weevil pressure ...

  10. John Yost

    Educator, Agriculture & Natural Resources 330-264-8722 ...
