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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. National 4-H Week


  2. Columbus Day

    The Courthouse will be closed on Columbus Day, but you can reach the Extension Office by calling 937-440-3945. ...

  3. ACEL Searching for New Faculty Member

    The Department of Agricultural, Communication, Education, and Leadership is conducting a search to fill a faculty position at the assistant or associate professor level. The position will be part of our Community Leadership program. Review of applications ...

  4. Tax Blanket Exemption Forms for 4-H Clubs

    Earlier this year, Organizational Advisors were mailed a Tax Blanket Exemption Form to complete and return to the Extension Office. If you have not already returned your form, please do so as soon as possible. Submitting this form is a state mandate and w ...

  5. 4-H Volunteer Banquet

    What an amazing year we have had! I know with the fair just behind us many of you are  trying to catch up!  We would like to say “thank you” for all of the hard work that you have put into our organization and our 4-H’ers! Volunteers are the backbone of 4 ...

  6. Ray certified as CASE Master Teacher

    Tim Ray, a graduate student in the Agricultural and Extension Education doctoral program, has been awarded CASE (Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education) Master Teacher certification. Ray has attended the Agriculture Food and Natural Resources (AFNR ...

  7. ACEL to Sponsor EXTENSION Africa Conference

    The Center for African Studies (CAS) and partnering departments will host an international conference October 20th and 21st, 2014 on Agricultural Extension and Food Security in Africa.   The conference will feature paper presentations on food security, ex ...

  8. Diana Podach

    Diana Podach Graduate Student Status M.S., Agricultural Communication   Dr. Emily Buck, PhD ...

  9. Labor Day- Office Closed


  10. ACEL Alumni Reunion

        We would like to invite all alumni of the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership to join us for a reunion on November 14, 2015 as the Ohio State Buckeyes take on the Fighting Illini of the University of Illinois at the Buc ...
