CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Nominations sought for Provost’s Discovery Themes Lecturer Program

    Nominations are being sought for future editions of the Provost’s Discovery Themes Lecturer Program. This program brings eminent authorities to Ohio State to address topics related to the Discovery Themes and to engage students, faculty, staff and members ...

  2. Nominations sought for Patterson Land-Grant University Lecture

    Patterson Lecture brings to campus annually a prominent figure to speak to the range of challenges facing land-grant institutions in the 21st century and beyond. The lecture challenges the university and community audience to continue to use their knowled ...

  3. University Updates to COVID-19 Safety Guidelines

    Dean Cathann Kress shared a message to the CFAES-all listserv on Wednesday, May 19 about the latest Ohio State adjustments to several important COVID-19 safety guidelines. Please refer to that message for additional information. ...

  4. Director’s Open Office Hour – May 27 @ 4pm

    TODAY! Feel free to bring your questions and comments. This is a very casual atmosphere, and everyone benefits by others’ questions.  ...

  5. Nurturing Children by Engaging Fathers- Zoom Meeting


  6. Nurturing Children by Engaging Fathers- Activity Kit Pick Up


  7. Nurturing Children by Engaging Fathers

    Register today for this event! You will receive a free activity kit that includes games, recipes and other activities for you and your child to do together at home.  You will pick your activity kit up from our office on June 16, 2021.    ...

  8. Reducing the Spread – Thoughts from the Director

    I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend and that you are coming back energized for our annual conference next week. ...

  9. O.N.E. Extension – Onboard. Network. Excel. for Veteran Extension Employees

    As originally announced last fall, the O.N.E. Extension- Onboard. Network. Excel. program resumed in March. In addition to the new-hire cohort programs (invitation only), the “Veteran Series” is open to all Extension personnel, regardless of years of serv ...

  10. Report=Support! Sexual Misconduct Required Training – Due by May 30

    Promoting the safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff is Ohio State's top priority and a responsibility we all share. To advance this priority, the university requires all employees to complete sexual misconduct prevention education ...
