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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Get Your Lawn in Order

    Fall is the best time for fertilization – learn what you should be doing! Lee Beers, OSU Extension Educator will share the fundamentals of lawn care. We’ll start with soil basics – the building blocks of a healthy turf. Then, we’ll cover fertilization pla ...

  2. Garden to Plate


  3. $10 Ohio Local Foods Week Challenge

    August 7-13 is  Local Foods Week  and all Ohioans are encouraged to buy local and participate in the $10 Ohio Local Foods Challenge. To participate in the challenge, Ohioans commit to spend at least $10 this week on your favorite local foods. There is not ...

  4. OSUE SNAP-Ed Receives $55,000 Grant from Walmart State Giving Program

    A Walmart Foundation grant will allow the Ohio State University Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences SNAP-Ed program to provide meals and groceries for two six-week Cooking Matters courses in 20 Ohio counties. The program will provide 440 low-income ad ...

  5. Soil Fertility Day

    Includes Ohio Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification **This 3-hour training fulfills Ohio certification requirements from the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture Featuring: •Greg Labarge, OSU Extension Agronomic Crops Specialist •Dr. Culman, OARDC Soil Fe ...

  6. Food Safety Webinar Documents

    Food Safety Webinar Documents Presented by Dr. Lydia Medeiros, December, 2010 You Tube- Sanitizing the Kitchen Camtasia Recording- 12/9/10 Cleaning and Sanitizing the Kitchen ...

  7. Why Americans Waste So Much Food

    Even though American consumers throw away about 80 billion pounds of food a year, only about half of them are aware that food waste is a problem. Even more, researchers have identified that most people perceive benefits to throwing food away, some of whic ...

  8. Level I Food Safety Training

    Registration and Information ...

  9. Level I Food Safety Training

    Registration and Information ...

  10. Level I Food Safety Training

    Registration and Information ...
