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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Commercial Core Manual Bundle (PDF)

    Applying Pesticides Correctly (Core manual) is designed to teach and encourage all areas of proper pesticide use and includes a sample test is also provided in the back of every chapter. Core is not a category. All prospective commercial and private licen ...

  2. Category P-1: Field Crops Workbook

    Ohio Pesticide Applicator Training: Field Crops Student Workbook This workbook is intended to assist pesticide applicators preparing for the Private Category 1 exam required for certification in field crop categories. For further information on Private Pe ...

  3. Category P-1: Field Crops Workbook (PDF)

    Ohio Pesticide Applicator Training: Field Crops Student Workbook This workbook is intended to assist pesticide applicators preparing for the Private Category 1 exam required for certification in field crop categories. For further information on Private Pe ...

  4. Core Private Applicator Workbook

    This Ohio Pesticide Applicator Study Guide—Core Student Workbook is an optional supplemental study guide to the required Applying Pesticides Correctly (Core Manual) bundle for private pesticide applications. To learn more, visit and agri.oh ...

  5. Drought in Winter

    Read More farm field in winter Our professionals are still updating and sharing drought-related information and resources for producers across the state. ...

  6. A Modern Approach to Crop and Pest Management in Pumpkin (PDF)

    This guide was written primarily with pumpkin production in the Midwest in mind; however, many of the practices can be extended to states in the Northeast or South. The pest complex and management are nearly the same for othercucurbits, such as squash, me ...

  7. A Modern Approach to Crop and Pest Management in Pumpkin

    This guide was written primarily with pumpkin production in the Midwest in mind; however, many of the practices can be extended to states in the Northeast or South. The pest complex and management are nearly the same for othercucurbits, such as squash, me ...

  8. Marissa Mullett

    Marissa Mullett Marketing and Communications Specialist 614-292-1537 Marissa works to enhance our internal communication and external marketing efforts with and on behalf of our nearly 800 OSU Extension employees throughout the state. S ...

  9. David Marrison

    David Marrison Professor- Department of Extension; Interim Director of Farm Financial Management & Policy Institute; Field Specialist- Farm Management The Ohio State University, Agriculture and Natural Resources Farm Management 740-722-6073 marrison.2 ...

  10. Eric Richer

    Eric Richer Associate Professor and Field Specialist, Farm Management The Ohio State University Farm Management/Production Agriculture and On-Farm Research 104 East Washington Street, Suite 302, Napoleon, Ohio 43545 419-590-6042 I current ...
