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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. School Gardens

    About School Garden Programs 4-H school garden programs offer students the opportunity to learn about where their food comes from, to understand the science behind plants, and to help cultivate important creative and critical thinking skills. If you' ...

  2. Feeding and Nutrition

                Feeding and Nutrition General Information: American Feed Industry Association Feed Composition Table (2016) Ohio AgriBusiness Association Ohio Department of Agriculture- Plant Industry Division National Forage Testing Association Nutrient Requ ...

  3. Belonging and Connection

    Finding friends and making connections are an integral part of your collegiate experience. Research has shown that students who feel a strong sense of belonging i.e. feel welcomed, accepted, and valued for who they are, tend to perform better academically ...

  4. Student Success Coaching

      Student Success Coaching    "Coaching focuses on future possibilities, not past mistakes"  John Whitmore What is coaching? Coaching is an individual, one-on-one meeting to help students outline their unique goals for success. We discuss topics ...

  5. Safety Resources

    The Department of Public Safety provides many resources for students including trainings, community crime alerts, and safety devices. Please visit their website for current resources.  The Ohio State University Department of Public Safety Resources Active ...

  6. Finding Connections on Campus

    Finding friends and making connections are an integral part of your collegiate experience. Research has shown that students who feel a strong sense of belonging i.e. feel welcomed, accepted, and valued for who they are, tend to perform better academically ...

  7. Belonging and Connection

    There are many ways for students to get connected on campus. Research has shown the importance ot students feeling a sense of belonging as it contributes to academic success, mental health well-being, and retention. Joining a student organization or an in ...

  8. Success Coaching

    What is Success Coaching?  Coaching is an individual, one-on-one meeting to help students outline their unique goals for success. We discuss topics that make a difference in  learning success, and we help students identify resources and people in their su ...

  9. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University Milk Prices In the May issue, the Class III milk future for June was $16.55/cwt and July was $17.41/cwt.  Class III milk closing price for June was $14.9 ...

  10. Dairy Outlook: July 2023

    Chris Zoller, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Tuscarawas County, Ohio State University Extension The USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook was released July 18, 2023.  This report summarizes econ ...
