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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Traditions and Trends in Food Preservation Webinar Series

    Click the link to view the upcoming webinar schedule. The first event is May 7th! Register to participate in this free webinar series at You can view recordings of past webinars at There are o ...

  2. Chick Order Forms and Money- Due MAY 23RD!

    Attention Poultry Exhibitors! The final day to order broiler chicks for your 2024 Market Chicken 4-H and FFA projects is Thursday, May 23rd. Please stop in to the office to place your order and pay before 4:30 pm on Thursday. Checks can be made out to OSU ...

  3. Upcoming Weigh In and Tagging Events

    Attention Hardin County Livestock Exhibitors! Please add the following weigh in and tagging dates to your calendars: ...

  4. 2024 Chick order forms due

    2024 Chick Order Form ...

  5. Buckeye Shooters Registration and Safety Meeting

    Buckeye Sharpshooters shooting sports club will meet from 6:00 to 7:00 at the OSU Extension Office. This club teaches gun safety under the supervision of certified 4-H shooting sports instructors. Youth will shoot rifle, shotgun, pistol, and archery. All ...

  6. Buckeye Shooters Special Interest 4-H Club- Registration and safety meeting set for May 15th, 6-7pm

    Buckeye Sharpshooters shooting sports club will meet from 6:00 to 7:00 at the OSU Extension Office. This club teaches gun safety under the supervision of certified 4-H shooting sports instructors. Youth will shoot rifle, shotgun, pistol, and archery. All ...

  7. Hardin Hackers Special Interest 4-H Club- Registration meeting scheduled for May 15th, 5-6pm

    Hardin Hackers computer science club will meet from 5:00 to 6:00 at the OSU Extension Office. This club focuses on robotics, 3-D printing, computer science, and technology. Any Hardin County youth finishing 3rd grade and up can join. Projects will be comp ...

  8. Hardin Hackers Registration Meeting

    Hardin Hackers computer science club will meet from 5:00 to 6:00 at the OSU Extension Office. This club focuses on robotics, 3-D printing, computer science, and technology. Any Hardin County youth finishing 3rd grade and up can join. Projects will be comp ...

  9. May 19th Quality Assurance and EquiSTEP TIME CHANGE!

    Attention Hardin County Livestock Exhibitors: Please take note of the time change for the mandatory Quality Assurance and EquiSTEP Trainings on Sunday, May 19th!! QA has been moved to 5:00-6:00pm EquiSTEP has been moved to 6:15-7:15pm Both events will hap ...

  10. Workshop: Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life

    This 2-hour workshop will provide an introduction to unconscious associations that can lead to an affinity toward or prejudice against some people (implicit bias). We will explore how our socialization process leads to the formation of conscious and uncon ...
