CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Homecoming 2023: Open Houses

    Add paragraph:  Copy:  Dear CFAES Alumni and Friends, Do you have a place on campus that brings back nostalgic memories? Maybe walking into the Kottman Hall lobby and bumping into your friends before class, or spending long days outside with faculty and f ...

  2. Homecoming 2023: Alumni Awards

    Add paragraph:  Copy:  Dear CFAES Alumni and Friends, We are delighted to celebrate alongside the CFAES Alumni Society Board and recognize the 2023 CFAES Alumni Awards honorees during Homecoming weekend! Join us in commemorating these individuals at the C ...

  3. Back to School

    Heading:  CFAES students are inspired to ignite their potential Copy:  As students return to campus for the start of a new school year, not only are we looking ahead at exciting things such as Farm Science Review, CFAES Homecoming and Alumni Awards, depar ...

  4. August 2023 CFAES Connect

    August 2023 Events to look forward to Add zig-zag row:  Heading:  Registration for CFAES Homecoming weekend now open Copy:  Join us Oct. 6–7 for a fun-filled weekend of connecting with friends and revisiting your favorite spots on campus! Button context:  ...

  5. Belonging and Connection

    Finding friends and making connections are an integral part of your collegiate experience. Research has shown that students who feel a strong sense of belonging i.e. feel welcomed, accepted, and valued for who they are, tend to perform better academically ...

  6. Student Success Coaching

      Student Success Coaching    "Coaching focuses on future possibilities, not past mistakes"  John Whitmore What is coaching? Coaching is an individual, one-on-one meeting to help students outline their unique goals for success. We discuss topics ...

  7. Safety Resources

    The Department of Public Safety provides many resources for students including trainings, community crime alerts, and safety devices. Please visit their website for current resources.  The Ohio State University Department of Public Safety Resources Active ...

  8. Finding Connections on Campus

    Finding friends and making connections are an integral part of your collegiate experience. Research has shown that students who feel a strong sense of belonging i.e. feel welcomed, accepted, and valued for who they are, tend to perform better academically ...

  9. Belonging and Connection

    There are many ways for students to get connected on campus. Research has shown the importance ot students feeling a sense of belonging as it contributes to academic success, mental health well-being, and retention. Joining a student organization or an in ...

  10. Success Coaching

    What is Success Coaching?  Coaching is an individual, one-on-one meeting to help students outline their unique goals for success. We discuss topics that make a difference in  learning success, and we help students identify resources and people in their su ...
