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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Beef Quality Assurance

    BQA covers a multitude of topics, including carcass quality, injection protocol, and animal handling, and will ultimately impact your success at marketing. This program serves as an opportunity to gain or renew your existing certification (certification c ...

  2. Beef Quality Assurance Certification

    View Flyer HERE BQA covers a multitude of topics, including carcass quality, injection protocol, and animal handling, and will ultimately impact your success at marketing. This program serves as an opportunity to gain or renew your existing certification ...

  3. 4-H Cloverbud Day Camp

    4-H CLOVERBUD DAY CAMP Explore your Head, Heart, Hands, and Health Discover the fun at 4-H President's Day Camp! Cloverbud Day Camp is open to any youth in Columbiana County ages 5 and in Kindergarten through 8 and in 2nd grade. Some Activities: 4-H ...

  4. Ohio 4-H Conference

    Bringing Volunteers and Teens Together Who:                All Ohio 4-H Teens and Volunteers When:              March 8, 2025 Sessions start at 9am. Where:             Greater Columbus Convention Center, 400 N. Main St., Columbus, OH                       ...

  5. Thank You List from Livestock Auction

    UPDATED 9/18/2024- Corrections and additional buyers.  Our buyers really appreciate and look forward to your thank you cards and gifts. We require that you send a thank you card to each of your buyers on the list before you can receive your auction check. ...

  6. Clover Connections- September 4-H Newsletter

    Included in this month's newsletter is:  Friend of 4-H nomination Outstanding 4-H nominations Club Audit reminder Jr Fairboard and Camp Counselor application links Plus lots more! CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE NEWSLETTER ...

  7. Office Closed


  8. Office Closed in AM


  9. Quality Assurance

    2025 Quality Assurance Dates and Times QUALITY ASSURANCE Quality Assurance is an Ohio Department of Agriculture requirement that all youth that are exhibiting at the junior fair must complete each year unless they test out. (Exemptions are the following a ...

  10. Farm Science Review

    Tickets are required.  In advance, $10 each.  Day of tickets are $15 each. ...
