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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Business Office

    Business office hours and operation Effective August 19, 2020 the ATI Business Office will have the following in-person business hours to assist students: Tuesday’s and Thursday’s                9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Wednesday’s                               ...

  2. Human Resources

    Human Resources All things HR including student employment, employee relations, faculty and staff hiring, payroll and timekeeping  We are located in Halterman Hall Room 220 Available every other Monday and Tuesdays from 10:00 am- 3:00 pm.  Note-Human Reso ...

  3. Wooster Campus Health and Safety

    Reminders from the Ohio STATE Wooster Campus Upon entering buildings, please be alert to facility signage. Please follow directional arrows in stairwells, halls, entrances and exits while maintaing social distancing. Now more than ever, be aware of your s ...

  4. Admissions Office

    ADMISSIONS OFFICE RE-OPENING INFORMATION The university is committed to doing everything possible to promote the safety of our community as we respond to the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). One of the best ways to prevent the spread of viral illnesses is ...

  5. Arts, Science and Business Division

    The Arts, Science and Business (ASB) Division are one of three academic divisions at Ohio State ATI.  To make contact with Faculty: Faculty should have their preferred method of contact in their syllabus and posted on their office doors. However, most ASB ...

  6. Agriculture and Engineering Technologies (AET) Division

    The Agriculture and Engineering Technologies (AET) Division administers academic programs in animal production/sciences (animal health, beef, dairy, horse, small ruminant, and swine); agronomy, crop production, and sustainable agriculture; agricultural sy ...

  7. Katie LeMasters, Program Coordinator


  8. Penny Nemitz, Learning Lab Coordinator/STEP


  9. Library Contacts


  10. Julia Morris, Coordinator of Student Financial Aid

