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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. It's Time to Certify or Recertify for Fertilizer & Pesticide Applicators!

    Private Fertilizer & Pesticide Recertification: As we are nearing the end of the year, the upcoming pesticide application license recertification season is right around the corner. There was a mailing recently sent out by the ODA to anyone who is due ...

  2. Basics of Grain Marketing

    Find details & register at ...

  3. Fertilizer & Pesticide Recertification

    Ferilizer (Category 15) recertification will be from 8:00am- 9:00am.  The cost is $15.00. Pesticide (Core, Category 1, 2, 3, 6) will be from 9:00am- 12:00pm.  The cost is $35.00 Register at ...

  4. Private Fertilizer New Certification

    Register at ...

  5. Dairy Clinic


  6. Citations Matter: Exploring and Expanding Your Citation Practices

    Citation is not a neutral practice. In the realm of academia, our citation choices wield significant influence—shaping discourse, amplifying voices, and impacting scholarly recognition. Yet, how often do we pause to reflect on the implications of these ch ...

  7. Cloverbud Day Camp

    The Cloverbud Day Camp will happen while the 4-H Camp is in session, at 4-H Camp Clifton. ...

  8. 4-H Kickoff Fun Night

    Join us in the Rabbit Barn from 4- 6pm.  This event is open to all members and those who are not members but interested in joining.  Many clubs are setting this event as their 1st meeting. View our flyer! ...

  9. Beyond the Scale: Embracing Body Diversity and Challenging Weight Stigma

    Traditional views of health often equate wellness with body size and weight, but these metrics only tell part of the story. In this workshop, we will challenge the long-standing focus on weight as a measure of health by exploring the concept of Health at ...

  10. Pork Council

