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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Ohioans grow their own food with victory gardens

    Franny Lazarus Ohio State News Food insecurity is an issue that is exacerbated by strife. In crises, stress is put on the systems that feed people, often leaving many without enough to eat. During World War I, President Woodrow Wilson b ...

  2. Mazzy's Hawaiian Adventure- Part 3

    Check out the last update from Mazzy Grisak, one of our SPS: Horticulture students, as she finishes up her internship on a farm in Maui... ...

  3. Ohio State to host Manure Science Review in August

    CFAES News Team LONDON, Ohio-- The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) will host the 24th annual Manure Science Review on August 6, 2024 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London, Ohio.    Aimed a ...

  4. Lending a hand

    Tara Durbin Ohio 4-H had a lasting impact on Tara Durbin, and many of the skills and lessons she learned have been influential in getting her where she is today—working as chief lending officer for agriculture with Farm Credit Mid-America.  Growing up in ...

  5. Dr. Garrett Owen

    Dr. Garrett Owen Assistant Professor- Sustainable Greenhouse Nursery Systems 50% Extension | 30% Research | 20% Teaching Howlett Hall (334) Columbus Campus PhD Horticulture- Purdue University (2017) MS Horticultural Science- North Carolin ...

  6. Dr. Tyler Carr

    Dr. Tyler Carr Assistant Professor- Turfgrass Science 60% Extension | 40% Research Kottman Hall (310E) Columbus Campus PhD Plant, Soil, & Environmental Sciences- The University of Tennessee (2022) MS Horticulture- University of Arkans ...

  7. (Speaker Series) Contemporary Differences in U.S. Farm Financial Performance by Race: Does Farm Size Matter?

    What are the similarities and differences across farms operated by producers of different races? This talk examines whether farm financial performance differs among farms operated by White, Black, and Native American producers. Black and Native American f ...

  8. (Speaker Series) Indigenous Right Relations: Shifting Power and Land Forward

    This talk will provide an overview of efforts by The Nature Conservancy to support the sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples throughout North America, with a few examples of how they have engaged locally in the land now called “Ohio.” There are currently 45 f ...

  9. Ohio State CFAES to lead federal food waste initiative

    Sherrie R. Whaley The Ohio State University will lead a $2.5 million  USDA-funded effort to help reduce food loss and waste. Brian Roe, professor in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES), will manage a pilot consumer campai ...

  10. Cloudy waters causes African fish to develop bigger eyes

