CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Beginner's Guide to Grant Writing

    OSU Extension Community Development Hosts Beginner’s Guide to Grant Writing Course The 2-day Beginner’s Guide to Grant Writing Course covers what to do before you write a grant; organizational mission and structure; components of a grant proposal; finding ...

  2. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    Drowning in student loan debt? Ready to equip yourself with tools to minimize the burden of student loan debt? Then our workshop is perfect for you.  Topics Covered: Navigating the U.S. Department of Education  website Steps to take before ...

  3. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    Drowning in student loan debt? Ready to equip yourself with tools to minimize the burden of student loan debt? Then our workshop is perfect for you.  Topics Covered: Navigating the U.S. Department of Education  website Steps to take before ...

  4. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    Drowning in student loan debt? Ready to equip yourself with tools to minimize the burden of student loan debt? Then our workshop is perfect for you.  Topics Covered: Navigating the U.S. Department of Education  website Steps to take before ...

  5. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    Drowning in student loan debt? Ready to equip yourself with tools to minimize the burden of student loan debt? Then our workshop is perfect for you.  Topics Covered: Navigating the U.S. Department of Education  website Steps to take before ...

  6. OSU Community Development Partners with The Ohio Township Association (OTA)

    OSU Community Development Partners with The Ohio Township Association (OTA) to Update Ohio's Zoning Map Township Zoning in Ohio Project Description:  OTA contacted OSUE Community Development to partner and lead the effort to update and examine a stat ...

  7. Employee Apparel- Branded Merchandise

    When ordering Apparel: All merchandise and apparel needs to be branded (only exception is for youth volunteers) Do not use PCard or checking account for purchase of branded apparel and promotional items You must submit artwork/mockup for approval to: Mari ...

  8. Sarah Mays

    Sarah Mays Office Administrative Associate The Ohio State University Extension 1680 Madison Ave. Wooster, OH 44691 330-263-3833 ...

  9. 2023 IMPLAN Reports

    2023 IMPLAN Reports The following economic overview reports were prepared in March 2023 Area 1:  Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, and Williams  Area 2:  Lucas and Wood  Area 3: Ottawa, Erie, Sandusky, Huron, and Seneca  Area 4:  Lorain, Medina, and Summ ...

  10. Extension Conference

