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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Western Ohio Precision Ag Day

    Western Ohio Precision Ag Day will be held on July 12, 2016 in Covington, Ohio hosted by Miami and Darke County Extension. The day will begin at the Covington Eagles, 715 East Broadway Street, Covington OH 45318 and will then be continued on a local farm. ...

  2. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: What's that Weed?

    Join us to l earn how to identify weeds in your flower and vegetable gardens. We’ll cover some of the most common species and some not so common weeds to look out for.  Learn what works and what doesn’t when it comes to managing weeds and reasons why. The ...

  3. Master Gardener HelpLine

    HelpLine is open every Monday 10am-1pm by calling 440-3945, and choosing Option 1. Master gardener volunteers are available by phone or you can come see them in person on the ground floor of the Old Courthouse. They provide fact-based answers. Also, check ...

  4. 4-H Public Speaking Contests

    Encourage youth to participate in our county public speaking contests this summer! Practicing public speaking at a young age helps 4-H members develop communication skills that will benefit them throughout life. Participants will receive a certificate and ...

  5. Current Opportunities

    In an effort to keep you informed, this page will list any current and/or upcoming opportunities that our office receives from the State 4-H Office or surrounding counties. Check back often for new updates!     Volunteer Orientations -  October 13th · Clo ...

  6. Miami County in Bloom Garden Tour

    Spend the day touring six beautiful gardens in Miami County. Each “secret” garden has a water feature in a unique setting. From Koi ponds, fountains, or rivers nearby, you’ll want to take in the beauty and peacefulness at each stop. Tickets will go on sal ...

  7. County Skillathon

    Immediately following Quality Assurance ...

  8. County Skillathon

    Immediately following Quality Assurance ...

  9. Miami County 4-H Club Enrollment Deadline


  10. County Skillathon

    Immediately following Quality Assurance ...
