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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Cultivating Connections Conference

    The Cultivating Connections Conference is a n annual event for farm transition planners —th os e professionals dedicated to ensuring the seamless transition of agricultural operations from one generation to the next. This conference i s a forum for learni ...

  2. OSHA proposes first-ever rule to address employee heat exposure

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  3. Introduction to Urban Extension

    This introduction to urban Extension provides resources to improve awareness of urban Extension context for all university Extension personnel, colleagues, volunteers, advocates, and partners. The purpose of this information is not to minimize the value o ...

  4. International Delegation Visits Cleveland

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  5. Scenic Rivers Bill goes to Governor’s desk

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  6. USDA Invests $5.2M in 17 Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Projects

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  7. Urban October

    Engaging Youth to Create a Better Urban Future OSU Extension has joined the global community to celebrate Urban October. Urban October was created by UN Habitat as an opportunity for everyone to be part of the conversation about the challenges and opportu ...

  8. FaithLands National Conference

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  9. Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts

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  10. A Spousal Lifetime Access Trust can help limit estate taxes

    A spousal lifetime access trust can provide income for a spouse while removing assets from the donor spouse's taxable estate. Learn about this tool in our newest law bulletin in the Planning for the Future of Your Farm series. ...
