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Extension Professionals Complete Risser Farm Financial Management Training.
Forty-six Extension professionals participated in the “Risser Farm Financial Management Training" for the Beginner and Small Farmer Program held on April 27, 2023, at The Ohio State University. This professional development training was held for Exte ...
Our Mission and Vision
Mission Statement We are a diverse team of change agents serving the CFAES community, the broader university, and residents of the state of Ohio through our connection to OSU Extension. We celebrate and honor all identities through educational webinars, w ...
Resources for Student Parents
ACCESS Collaborative Program The ACCESS Collaborative Program, which was established in 1989, was created to enable single parent students with custody of their children to earn an undergraduate degree and find employment suitable to their academic prepar ...
Spanish Publications
Pesticide ID Cards Squash Bugs Squash Vine Borer Thrips White-tailed Deer Aphid Cole Crop Caterpillars Cucumber Beetle Feral Cats Flea Beetle Groundhog Mexican Bean Beetle Natural Enemy Field Guide Rabbits Twospotted Spider Mites Vole ...
Stephanie Karhoff
Stephanie Karhoff Assistant Professor, Field Specialist Agronomic Systems 1206 East Second Street, Ottawa, Ohio 45875 567-376-4019 Stephanie conducts applied research to identify best management practices for corn, soybean, wheat, and f ...
Practicing Bystander Intervention Strategies
All too often we witness subtle comments or behaviors rooted in bias that cause harm to others, sometimes unintentionally and frequently directed toward people from marginalized social identity groups. Have you ever witnessed a bias incident such as a mic ...
Introduction to Microaggressions: Small Actions that Have a Big Impact
Microaggressions are common, often subtle expressions of bias, many times initiated unintentionally and unconsciously that can have serious impacts on recipients including shortening life expectancy. In this 90-minute workshop, participants will learn abo ...
Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices
This 90-minute workshop provides an overview of best practices for recruiting a diverse candidate pool and equitably evaluating them. Participants will examine the role that various forms of bias can play in evaluating candidates and identify factors that ...
Exploding Myths About Transgender and Nonbinary People
Although transgender and nonbinary people have gained significant visibility over the past decade, numerous misconceptions and stereotypes still exist and create environments that are unwelcoming or even hostile to people with gender identities that fall ...
How Implicit Associations Can Thwart Equitable Hiring Decisions
Associations are mental shortcuts our brains develop to connect ideas or things and reduce processing time. While not inherently bad, associations can manifest in the form of implicit, or unconscious, bias. When left unmitigated, implicit bias can influen ...