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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Agribusiness Club Meeting, Columbus

    Information: The Ohio State University Agribusiness Club. ...

  2. EPN September Breakfast Club, Columbus

    EPN September Breakfast Club, “The Columbus Region’s Vibrant Logistics Sector – Factoring Sustainability into Facilities and Operations.” Information: ...

  3. Finding Funding Workshop, Wooster

    Finding Funding Workshop, Sponsored by Grant Development Support Unit. ...

  4. Cover Crop Farm Tour, Cloverdale

    Cover Crop Farm Tour, Participants will learn about soil health concepts, ways to enhance cover crop growth through different seeding methods, and how cover crops may enhance soil productivity, improve yields, and increase profits. ...

  5. Drake: Science will find solutions Lima Ohio Friday, August 14, 2015 From The VP ...

  6. Innovation Seminar Series: Innovation and Entrepreneurism in Science

    For graduate students, early career scientists and others who are wondering about how their research could be commercialized or are thinking about a career outside academia. Features a panel discussion with OARDC faculty members —Katrina Cornish, Warren D ...

  7. Letter from the Director

    Ohio State ATI Alumni, This will be my last letter to our Ohio State ATI Alumni as the Interim Director. You may think the following is “over the top” as my Aussie mates would say – I, however, have much to communicate to our great alumni after having bee ...

  8. 2016 Extension Annual Conference


  9. Ohio State ATI experiences another year of enrollment growth

    Ohio State ATI continues to experience steady growth in enrollment, with a 7 percent increase in the total student body. Autumn's official headcount was 751, an increase of 49 students from Autumn 2014. Enrollment in the Associate of Science (transfe ...

  10. Volume 17 Issue 2

