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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Pasture Based Livestock & Poultry Tour

    Pasture Based Livestock & Poultry Tour, Learn the challenges and benefits of a recently established breeding program and on-farm poultry processing. Information: ...

  2. Women Grow Ohio Farm Tours

    Women Grow Ohio Farm Tours, learn how women are transforming Ohio agriculture by touring 17 women-operated farms, gardens, and homesteads. Register:  Information: ...

  3. Family Bug Night & Insect Walk

    Family Bug Night & Insect Walk, Bring the kids and share in the excitement of seeing insects active at night. Rain date is July 21.  ...

  4. Ohio State ATI Scored 97/100 by Brookings Institution

    The Brookings Institution has analyzed the U.S. Department of Education's new College Scorecard database to produce value-added rankings for nearly 4,000 U.S. colleges, based on the earnings of alumni. Among 1,507 two-year colleges, Ohio State ATI sc ...

  5. Four with Wooster campus connections honored by CFAES

    The CFAES Alumni Society sponsors an annual awards program to recognize individuals whose careers have enabled them to make significant contributions to the college. This year, four of the recipients have connections to the Wooster campus. They were honor ...

  6. ‘Perfect match of tech and education’


  7. Student internships at ATI


  8. What are the majors in CFAES?


  9. Emerita Profile: Shirley Badger

    Shirley Badger joined the Ohio State ATI faculty in 1976, teaching for 33 years before her retirement in 2009. And since then, she has been one busy person. The most important part of her post-retirement life, she says, has been her work as a hospice volu ...

  10. News: Vaccination Requirement for Incoming Students

    Effective Autumn 2015, The Ohio State University will institute a new vaccination requirement. It has three (3) components to its Vaccination Requirement. Please review each component below to determine which is/are applicable in your circumstance. (All m ...
