CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. PAC Flower Basket Fundraiser Pick Up


  2. Camp Counselor Training


  3. Rhubarb Is The Vegetable That Acts Like A Fruit

    When thinking of spring foods that aren’t readily available at other times of the year, what comes to mind? ...

  4. Farmers: Focus On Small Grain Silage Harvested, Stored Properly

    It won’t be long before the triticale and barley are ready to be relocated to the bunker ...

  5. 4-H CARTEENS Leaders

    4-H CARTEENS is a traffic safety program for first-time juvenile traffic offenders. CARTEENS Leaders will assist in teaching their teen peers about safe driving and the dangers of texting and driving, drinking and driving, and other vehicular safety issue ...

  6. Welcome Beth!!

    Beth Royer-Delong has joined Extension as an Extension Educators Coordinator 2!! She will be focusing on 4-H and Youth Development.  Stop in and give Beth a warm Miami County welcome! ...

  7. Organic Matter Key In Soil Health- Here Are Signs To Look For

    When it comes down to being able to measure or assess soil health, there are a variety of ways it can be accomplished ...

  8. Sheep Royalty

    Miami County Sheep Improvement Association is looking for the next Lamb and Wool Queen and Princess.  Applications can be found here. ...

  9. Welcome Leesa!!

    Miami County Extension has hired Leesa Alexander as a part time Program Assistant focusing on 4-H and Youth Development.  Stop in and welcome Leesa to Miami County! ...

  10. Master Gardener Plant Sale

    Join the Miami County Master Gardeners for the Annual Plant Sale happening during the Miami County Food Truck Rally!  The Miami County Fairgrounds is charging a $5 parking fee due to the Food Truck Rally. ...
