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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Dairy Records Consultant

    BoviSync, an employee-owned herd management software company, is seeking a full-time Dairy Records Consultant. This position will conduct direct sales and support of BoviSync to large dairy farms and provide dairy herd management consulting. The successfu ...

  2. Sheep Teaching and Research Center Manager

    The Department of Animal Science at Michigan State University is seeking applications for a farm manager to supervise its Sheep Teaching and Research Unit. This position will oversee and coordinate operations of flock of approximately 350 ewes currently c ...

  3. M.S. Graduate Research

    Two M.S. Graduate Research Assistantships are anticipated to be available Fall semester of 2015 in the area of forage and grasslands with an emphasis on forage management. This GRA will provide a monthly stipend for 24 months, with both in- and out-of-sta ...

  4. April 6, 2015

    Welcome to the new format for the Animal Science Student Newsletter.  The newsletter is now based out of the Department of Animal Sciences web site, and current issue and archives can be accessed at any time under Undergraduates/Student Newsletter.  ...

  5. Global Health Program in India

    This independent study course on Global Health is taught by Prof. Usha Menon of the College of Nursing, with in-country preceptors (student must register for this course) in Mumbai, India. Applications due April 10th.  Under the direction of course facult ...

  6. Assistant Needed for Sample Collections

    The Department of Veterinary Preventive Animal Influenza Ecology and Epidemiology Research Program is seeking a student employee to assist in sample sollection this summer at county fairs. Student will prepare and disinfect field supplies and collect samp ...

  7. Ohio Sheep and Wool Program Proposal Funding Approved

    The Ohio Sheep and Wool Program, Ohio’s Sheep and Wool check-off program will invest up to $36,500 into sheep and wool promotion, education, industry information, and producer programs in FY 2012-2013. ...

  8. Buckeye Shepherd's Symposium Update

    During the Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium Award’s Program on Dec. 8, 2012, OSIA and OSWP awarded 6 individuals and groups with the Distinguished Service Award. ...

  9. Exit Seminar: Antrison Morris

    Effect of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol Supplementation on Broiler, Layer and Turkey Birds Growth Performance and Immune System ...

  10. Quality Assurance Analyst

    The T. Marzetti Company is seeking a part time Quality Assurance Analyst. Candidates must be available to work flexible weekday hours (M-F) and cover weekend shifts as needed. Total weekly hours available are 29.5 hours. Primary responsibilities include c ...
