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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Clover Connections- September 4-H Newsletter

    Included in this month's newsletter is:  Friend of 4-H nomination Outstanding 4-H nominations Club Audit reminder Jr Fairboard and Camp Counselor application links Plus lots more! CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE NEWSLETTER ...

  2. Pocket Guide for Grape Diseases and Disorders (PDF)

    Diseases and disorders of grapes are major limiting factors in the production of wine and table grapes in Ohio. Frequent monitoring and accurate and rapid diagnoses are essential to successfully managing grape diseases. This guide is designed to be a reso ...

  3. Pocket Guide for Grape Diseases and Disorders

    Diseases and disorders of grapes are major limiting factors in the production of wine and table grapes in Ohio. Frequent monitoring and accurate and rapid diagnoses are essential to successfully managing grape diseases. This guide is designed to be a reso ...

  4. Tick ID Card Spanish (set of 25)

    The Tick ID card in Spanish includes images to use when identifying blacklegged “deer” ticks, American dog ticks, lone star ticks, Asian longhorned ticks, and Gulf Coast ticks that can be found in Ohio. The back of the card provides step-by-step instructi ...

  5. Category 7: Vertebrate Animal Control (PDF)

    The Category 7: Vertebrate Animal Control study guide focuses on the application of pesticides other than fumigants for the control of pest birds, whether within or outside structures, and for the control of rodents and any other vertebrates, including mo ...

  6. Carcass Checks Now Available

    Carcass checks are now available. Must show fair photo ID to pick up checks. Extended hours until 6 pm on September 10, 11, 12, and 18th. The livestock auction checks are not yet avilable only the carcass checks. Market chickens do not recieve a carcass c ...

  7. Office Closed


  8. Office Closed in AM


  9. Thank You List from Livestock Auction

    UPDATED 9/4/2024- Corrections and additional buyers.  Our buyers really appreciate and look forward to your thank you cards and gifts. We require that you send a thank you card to each of your buyers on the list before you can receive your auction check. ...

  10. Corn Sweat and Humidity: A Few Facts Explained

    Every summer, as conditions heat up and humidity levels rise during mid-summer, we hear the phrase “corn sweat.” What is corn sweat and how much does it contribute to the oppressive heat in the summer? As you can imagine, this is a complex question to ans ...
