CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Trees on Tap

    Trees on Tap is a program designed to encourage your love of trees. The topics of the day highlight some of the marvels of trees along with keeping you up to date on some of the challenges they face.  This year we explore the genus Quercus and learn more ...

  2. New Pesticide Applicator Test

    Must register on-line through the Extension Office to be able to attend and take the test.  Any ...

  3. Bacon Vending?


  4. Ohio Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    For Registration Information, click HERE Who needs the agricultural fertilizer certification? Fertilizer certification is required if you apply fertilizer (other than manure) to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale. If yo ...

  5. Environmental Professionals Network SIGNATURE EVENT- Women In Conservation

    Ohio State's 2019 Environmental Professionals Network Signature Event highlights the role that female conservationists have played in leading humanity’s protection and improvement of natural resources. Female global icons symbolize much of the enviro ...

  6. Green tea cuts obesity, health risks in mice


  7. Herbs and Perennials Workshop

    This workshop combines both herb gardening and perennial gardening. Dr. Laura Deeter, ATI, will share tips for selecting and growing both herbs and perennials. Gardeners of all skill levels are invited.  ...

  8. OSU Extension Intern Project Exhibition


  9. OSU Extension Intern Orientation


  10. CFAES Annual Research Conference

    At the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, on Ohio State’s Columbus campus.  Details. ...
