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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 4-H Science Saturday: What's up with the weather?

    The OSU Meteorology Club will be here for this month’s SciSat with some great activities to help ...

  2. Nathan Donley puts down roots in the Ohio State ATI greenhouse

    Nathan Donley has joined the Ohio State ATI staff as greenhouse manager. Nathan is a 2009 graduate of the greenhouse production and management program and has worked for Cedar Lane Farms in Wooster and The Chef’s Garden in Huron as well as working his way ...

  3. Wooster campus integration benefits Ohio State ATI

    The integration of the Wooster campus has brought a number of benefits to the Ohio State ATI campus through access to Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) facilities, equipment, and personnel. There are some significant signs of suppo ...

  4. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    The OSU Climate Change webinar will be on Exploring Snowfall in the United States with Daria ...

  5. Fire Regimes and Food Webs- talk by Doug Bird

    Please join the Dept. of Anthropology for talk by Dr. Douglas Bird, from Penn State University, on Fire Regimes and Food Webs in Indigenous Australia. The talk will be on Friday 14 April at 10:30 AM in 4012 Smith Laboratory. Read the FLYER for more detail ...

  6. Rattan Lal honored by Elsevier

    Rattan Lal, director of the Carbon Management and Sequestration Center at The Ohio State University, was honored with the Elsevier Atlas award March 31, for his journal article “Food Security in a Changing Climate,"  published in the “Ecohydrology &a ...

  7. Physiological changes and reproductive performance of Sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus injected with thiamine

    Ghiasi, S., B. Falahatkar, M. Arslan and K. Dabrowski. 2017. Physiological changes and reproductive performance of Sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus injected with thiamine. Animal Reproduction Science 178:27-34. Konrad Dabrowski Journal article Tuesday, ...

  8. Evaluating the principles of wildlife conservation: a case study of wolf (Canis lupus) hunting in Michigan, United States

    Vucetich, J.A., J.T. Bruskotter, M.P. Nelson, R.O. Peterson and J.K. Bump. 2017. Evaluating the principles of wildlife conservation: a case study of wolf (Canis lupus) hunting in Michigan, United States. Journal of Mammalogy 98(1):53-64. Jeremy T. Bruskot ...

  9. Comparison and standardization of soil enzyme assay for meaningful data interpretation

    Deng, Shiping, Richard Dick, Christopher Freeman, Ellen Kandeler and Michael N. Weintraub. 2017. Comparison and standardization of soil enzyme assay for meaningful data interpretation. Journal of Microbiological Methods 133:32-34. Richard P. Dick Journal ...

  10. Review of "wolves, courts, and public policy: The children of the night return to the Northern Rocky Mountains.”

    Bruskotter, Jeremy T.  2017. Review of "wolves, courts, and public policy: The children of the night return to the Northern Rocky Mountains. ” Biological Conservation 206:224-225. Jeremy T. Bruskotter Journal article Tuesday, February 7, 2017 Terrest ...
