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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Surface coal mine land reclamation using a dry flue gas desulfurization product: Short-term and long-term water responses

    Chen, Liming, Richard Stehouwer, Xiaogang Tong, Dave Kost, Jerry M. Bigham and Warren A. Dick. 2015. Surface coal mine land reclamation using a dry flue gas desulfurization product: Short-term and long-term water responses. Chemosphere 134:459-465. Journa ...

  2. Influence of tropical leaf litter on nitrogen mineralization and community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria

    Diallo, M.D.,  A. Guisse, S.N. Sall, R.P. Dick, K.B. Assigbetse, A.L. Dieng and J.L. Chotte.  2015. Influence of tropical leaf litter on nitrogen mineralization and community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Biotechnologie Agronomie Societe et Env ...

  3. Keys to reducing H3N2v flu risk? Public awareness, keeping sick pigs away from fairs

    Better education regarding the nature of influenza viruses and how to prevent infection, along with stepped-up efforts to keep sick pigs away from agricultural fairs, are the best ways to minimize risk of human disease and any potentially adverse impact o ...

  4. ATI to dedicate new Temple Grandin-designed cattle facility

    Ohio State ATI  will dedicate its new beef cattle handling facility on Friday, Oct. 12, from 1-3 p.m., with remarks at 2 p.m. All members of the Ohio beef industry who are interested in seeing the facility and learning more about it are welcome to attend. ...

  5. Stone Lab renovations 'will greatly enhance our ability to attract students and scientists'

    Recent renovations at  Stone Lab  and the Research Building on South Bass Island's Peach Point have resulted in more modern classrooms, more conveniently equipped research and maintenance spaces, and most importantly, an alternative energy setup that ...

  6. New partnership planned with Beck's Hybrids: Goal is to 'put students first'

    Representatives from  Beck's Hybrids,  Atlanta, Ind., a regional leader in the hybrid seed industry, recently met with CFAES faculty and staff to discuss collaborative educational and research opportunities for students in our college. Ohio State and ...

  7. J.M. Smucker Co. Commits $1M to Ohio State for Food Innovation Research, Scholarships

    COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The J.M. Smucker Company and Timothy P. Smucker of Orrville, Ohio, have committed $1 million to support ongoing research and student success at Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. The S ...

  8. Sequestering carbon and increasing productivity by conservation agriculture

    Lal, Rattan. 2015. Sequestering carbon and increasing productivity by conservation agriculture. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 70(3):55A-62A. Rattan Lal Journal article ...

  9. Differences in Spring 2016 ENR 4900.01 Offerings

    Attention SENIORS: The two capstone course offerings for Spring 2016 differ slightly. Please read the course descriptions HERE, then decide which one most fits your interests. ...

  10. Why should I care? Exploring the use of environmental concern as a frame of communication in zoos

    Yocco, Victor S., Jeremy Bruskotter, Robyn Wilson and Joseph E. Heimlich. 2014. Why should I care? Exploring the use of environmental concern as a frame of communication in zoos. The Journal of Environmental Education   46(1):56-71. doi: 10.1080/00958964. ...
