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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Differences in Spring 2016 ENR 4900.01 Offerings

    Attention SENIORS: The two capstone course offerings for Spring 2016 differ slightly. Please read the course descriptions HERE, then decide which one most fits your interests. ...

  2. Why should I care? Exploring the use of environmental concern as a frame of communication in zoos

    Yocco, Victor S., Jeremy Bruskotter, Robyn Wilson and Joseph E. Heimlich. 2014. Why should I care? Exploring the use of environmental concern as a frame of communication in zoos. The Journal of Environmental Education   46(1):56-71. doi: 10.1080/00958964. ...

  3. Evaluating whether nature's intrinsic value is an axiom of or anathema to conservation

    Vucetich, John A., Jeremy T. Bruskotter and Michael Paul Nelson. 2015. Evaluating whether nature's intrinsic value is an axiom of or anathema to conservation. Conservation Biology   29(2):321-332. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12464 Jeremy T. Bruskotter Journal ...

  4. Association of soil organic carbon with physically separated soil fractions in different land uses of Costa Rica

    Chacón, P., K. Lorenz,  R. Lal, F.G. Calhoun* and N. Fausey. 2015.  Association of soil organic carbon with physically separated soil fractions in different land uses of Costa Rica.  Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica,  Section B — Soil & Plant Science  6 ...

  5. Promotion in Extension Workshop

    This is a repeat of the November 2014 workshop. ...

  6. New ENR Course Offered 2nd Session AU15

    ENR 4193 under David Hanselmann is a film/discussion series for academic credit during 2nd session AU15. Read the  FLYER  for more information.  ...

  7. Long-term droughtiness and drought tolerance of eastern US forests over five decades

    Peters, M.P., L.R. Iverson and S.N. Matthews. 2015. Long-term droughtiness and drought tolerance of eastern US forests over five decades. Forest Ecology and Management 345:56-64. Stephen N. Matthews Journal article Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab ...

  8. Summer Research Opportunities Participant Conducts Research on Community Attachment

    Michael Lotspeich, a participant in the CIC Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)   spent the summer working with Kristi Lekies, associate professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources on a project that examined college student' ...

  9. 2016 Environmental & Sustainability Career Expo

    One of four career expos held each year by CFAES, especially for ENR students! ...

  10. Research on best practices to manage phosphorus featured in article

    Elizabeth Dayton, a soil scientist in the School of Environment and Natural Resources and the On-field Ohio! project to evaluate/revise the Ohio Phosphorus Risk Index (P Index), is featured in a recent article, " Identifying practices to best manage ...
